

Our principles

Sirkel&Mall team shares common pronciples. Once we have common values, the team is strong and can be effective and dedicated to the company’s goals. The common principles lead to the company culture which we keep in mind when recruiting new team members and looking for cooperation partners.

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Knowledge based team member.

We divide specialists into two teams – the specialists who use their know-how to prepare, map and plan all details of a project and the experts who put everything into practice by a specified deadline. The bigger the work experience and knowledge – the bigger the freedom and the chances to choose your own working methods. Of course, freedom also entails responsibility..

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Teams instead of departments.

We no longer have separate departments (architectural, structural, MEP) in our company. We assemble great teams for each individual project based on a client’s needs. Teams are formed when the client has agreed to order from us. The chosen team sets the timeline and estimates the total time that will be spent on the project. This is an indication for the salesperson.

Teams decide which projects they want to do. Salespeople find the possible clients and maintain communication. Teams make a commitment by accepting a project. In every team, each member has the same goal – to get the project done to the highest standards.

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Management supports, not commands,


We have changed the position of management within our company. Management is not at the top of the company and does not give orders to others. Management supports the team. Management takes care all of the things which are important for staff to do their work well (space to work, IT, software, processes, sales work, contracts, salaries, etc).

Juhtkond hoolitseb olme eest (tööruum, IT, tarkvara, protsessid, palgad, üritused), viib läbi müügiprotsessi (otsib kliendi, sõlmib lepingud), töötab välja protsessid kõikidele kasutamiseks.

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Consulting company – common interest.

Many companies can be design companies, but it is a whole different level to be a consulting company. As an architect you have to be clever, have great ideas and provide extra value to a project – you must be a great consultant as well. Otherwise you are just a designer who does only what the client wants and does not offer different solutions and opportunities.

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Teamwork matters – client wins. IPD.

In the company, tasks are shared wisely. Team effort matters in the design team and also in the company as a whole. Setting goals to the whole team and not to individual members optimises costs and time at the design phase and the construction phase.

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80% occupied, 20% for changes and extras.

We never occupy our team 100%, because we know that each project will have changes, corrections and extras in the end. It is good to have this time planned in advance. Otherwise, you would steal this time from other upcoming projects and as a result all projects would face a delay, leaving the clients unhappy. The extra time takes away the stress from designers too – they can maximize their effort in a stress-free environment.

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Knowledge-based concept. No 9 to 5 workdays. Flexibility.

99% of our team members have higher education and do not need strict rules to be effective. On the contrary – if smart people can have their freedom to choose the working method, they will be much more effective. Of course, the design team rules set some limits and people must understand that freedom goes hand-in-hand with responsibility.

Ainukeseks piiranguks on tema oma meeskonna poolt seatud piirangud ja arusaamine, et vabadusega kaasneb vastutus.


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Each solution must have a justification and a reason.


Our design is not a coincidence. Each solution, material and choice have a reason and justification. We find the right solution or material by considering and analysing many options. Only then can we be sure that the one we are offering to a client is the right one. There are no coincidences.

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Construction price is always on the mind.

When designing we know that one criterion for choosing materials or solutions is the price. Our consultants have a great overview of the material prices in the construction field and can optimize a building project by choosing the material considering quality/price relation.

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Innovative and no delays.


Innovation is not only about new materials or programs, but also how we run our company. We strive to keep our people motivated, to encourage them to do more and to be effective while using less time. We are contributing towards how to implement the best techniques to lead our highly educated people.

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This is our effective way of avoiding errors in projects. Whenever humans are involved, there will always be errors. It is human nature. Besides self-control we have also established a checklist system to reduce errors in projects. There will be no stoppages on the building site when you use our projects.

Let us build together!

Write, phone or visit our bureau to discuss how we can help you with implementation of your business idea or find the optimal solution to your construction projects.

Laki Street 5, Tallinn, Estonia
+(372) 655 5480

5 + 3 =

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24 October 2019