

Sirkel & Mall

Sirkel & Mall has been a leading Estonian architectural and engineering  bureau since 2005. Our team consists of over 40 qualified professionals. We have implemented more than 1,500 projects in Estonia, Norway, Sweden and Finland. We specialize in the design of large offices and trade and production buildings. Our portfolio also includes a number of schools, kindergartens, residences and special structures. We design new buildings, reconstruction projects and urban planning.


Elva Spordihoone


“Architecture is the art which so disposes and adorns the edifices raised by man, that the sight of them may contribute to his mental health, power, and pleasure.”


We use the building information modelling (BIM) concept, according to which design work completely imitates the construction process: all elements already designed have the correct dimensions and contain the necessary data.


If you only have a vacant plot and an idea of what you would like to build there, then prior to commencing design work, we will consult with you on the best options for a profitable solution depending on your structure type, purpose, time frame and budget. 

Moller eestvaade
Moller eestvaade


From idea to completed solution

• Architecture
• Structure (concrete, timber, steel)
• Heating, ventilation, cooling
• Water supply and sewerage
• Electricity projects, high and low current installations
• Geodesy (laser scanning)
• Model design (BIM)
• Product drawings (3D)
• Project management and consultations
• Author’s supervision


Why choose Sirkel & Mall for your project commission?

  • Our design is based on the client’s business model. We create optimal projects for architecture, separate structures and special parts.
  • During the design stage, we take material costs into account and make sure that the project does not exceed the construction budget.
  • All our projects are done in compliance with the EVS construction standards and the BIM requirements.
  • Our company is a member of the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster, which unites the most success-oriented construction enterprises: www.estoniandcc.ee
Elva Spordihoone


Work in progress: Narva Town Hall

Meie meeskonnal on käsil Narva Raekoja rekonstrueerimise tööprojket, kus iga hoone osa projekteritakse muinsuskaitse tingimusi arvestades ja ehitajale vajaliku täpssusega.
20 aastat tühjana seisnud raekojast saab Narva esindushoone ja turismikeskus.

Let us build together!

Write, phone or visit our bureau to discuss how we can help you with implementation of your business idea or find the optimal solution to your construction projects.

Laki Street 5, Tallinn, Estonia

5 + 3 =

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24 October 2019